Why You Should Call An Attorney For A Motorcycle Accident Case English

Why You Should Call an Attorney for a Motorcycle Accident Case

Motorcycles are both fun and practical, and many people enjoy using motorbikes for commuting or simply for the pleasure of the ride. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle can also be dangerous, and one of the biggest risks to motorcyclists is other drivers on the road who do not know how to safely share road space. All drivers have a responsibility to thoroughly check for other vehicles, including motorcycles, when changing lanes, pulling onto the road, or making any other maneuver. In addition to visibility issues, drivers cause motorcycle accidents by behaving negligently behind the wheel. What would be a modest accident for a driver of a car, resulting in no injuries, can be for a motorcycle rider, under the same circumstances, an accident resulting in very serious injuries. Because of the unique biomechanics of motorcycle riding, many brain injuries and spinal injuries result.

If your accident was caused by the negligent, careless or reckless actions of another driver, you may be entitled to compensation to help ease the financial burdens associated with the accident, including, past and future hospital and medical bills, physical therapy costs, lost wages, past and future economic loss, mental anguish and pain and suffering. If you’re not at-fault, you may be able to seek damages from the party negligent in causing the crash. While motorcyclists are not covered by PIP insurance, they are also not bound by its restrictions. Injured riders are not limited in the damages they may seek to compensate for their losses, including damages for pain and suffering. If you were injured in a crash, an attorney can explain your options for pursuing compensation for medical bills and other losses. Even if you’re partially at fault, you may still be able to recover damages in the state of Florida. Florida, like many other states, is a pure comparative negligence state, which means that the amount of damages you recover depend on the fault apportionment assigned to you by the court. For example, if you were speeding and another vehicle ran a red light and hit you, the court may find that you were 30% at fault for the crash, while the other driver was 70% at fault. When the court awards damages, they will reduce the total amount of damages you recover by 30% to account for your role in the crash.

Generally, lawyers base the majority of cases, including motorcycle accident on the principles of common law negligence. However, with motorcycles, there additional considerations that need to be made for third parties. There are many cases where neither the motorcyclist nor the other driver is at fault for what happened. In such cases, it is likely that poor road conditions or defective vehicle parts are the cause of the accident. For example, motorcycles have unique potential product defects involving their various systems, including the carburetion, cabling, and braking. While they may be just another vehicle for transportation, motorcycles are unique in many ways. They have unique acceleration, braking, stability, and control issues. Additionally, motorcycles are more easily affected by poor road conditions because they are smaller, lighter, and have a lower center of gravity than passenger vehicles and trucks. Poor conditions may cause motorcyclists to lose control of their bikes and crash. If poor road conditions caused your accident, you may sue the party liable for road maintenance. To succeed, you will first need to prove that the city, county, or state governmental agency that was responsible for the maintenance was negligent in failing to maintain the roadway where your accident occurred. You will also need to show that the poor conditions actually and proximately caused your accident. Even though many state and federal governmental agencies are immune from lawsuits as a result of governmental immunity, there are exceptions in cases where there was negligence in road maintenance.

While negligent driving is dangerous to everyone, this negligence poses a greater risk to motorcyclists as they are more susceptible to serious injury. As you can see, motorcycle litigation, especially those based on products liability or where severe injuries are involved, can be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, it is imperative that you seek legal counsel. At the Law Firm of Suarez & Montero, we have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the complex process of filing a motorcycle injury claim or a lawsuit.